Council on Foreign Relations: The US needs an overhaul of its immigration laws

Today, amid a mixed bag of news from Congress and the administration, an indpendent Council on Foreign Relations panel – co-chaired by former Florida governor Jeb Bush (R) and former Clinton White House chief of staff Thomas F. “Mack” McLarty III – publicly called for comprehensive immigration reform.

“The stakes are too high to fail,” says the report. “If the United States continues to mishandle its immigration policy, it will damage one of the vital underpinnings of American prosperity and security, and could condemn the country to a long, slow decline in its status in the world.” For this reason, the report urges: “The United States needs a fundamental overhaul of its immigration laws.”

More specifically, the report states:

A new effort to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill should be a first-tier priority for the Obama administration and Congress, and should be started without delay.

What makes this panel unique are its diverse members, among which are: Eliseo Medina, international executive vice president of the Service Employees International Union; Raul H. Yzaguirre, past president and chief executive of the National Council of La Raza; and Robert C. Bonner, former head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Edward Alden, the task force’s director and a Council on Foreign Relations fellow, had this to say:

“Politically, what this group shows is a consensus is possible on this issue.”

Yet another voice joining the chorus of people saying that not only do we need immigration reform this year, but its POSSIBLE to do so. Now, let’s see some action!

2 responses to “Council on Foreign Relations: The US needs an overhaul of its immigration laws

  1. What the U.S. needs is less traitors, like the CFR.

  2. The age-old pesky U.S.-Mexico border problem has taxed the resources of both countries, led to long lists of injustices, and appears to be heading only for worse troubles in the future. Guess what? The border problem can never be solved. Why? Because the border IS the problem! It’s time for a paradigm change.

    Never fear, a satisfying, comprehensive solution is within reach: the Megamerge Dissolution Solution. Simply dissolve the border along with the failed Mexican government, and megamerge the two countries under U.S. law, with mass free 2-way migration eventually equalizing the development and opportunities permanently, with justice and without racism, and without threatening U.S. sovereignty or basic principles.

    Take time to read about the new paradigm by clicking the url.

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